Guitar Tab app good for
The program is unique. Works as described by the author. One small glitch with the program though; the very last tab entry in the list always falls below the end (bottom) of the list and cannot be opened.
This application is still very useful for reviewimg tabs when I am not near my home computer.
I had some initial trouble with this app, but now that I have the hang of it, it works great. I used to tote a giant binder full of tabs to the cottage every weekend--no more, its all right here.
Some bad moments
The Tabs are showing % in front of each apostrophe, for example: don%t, won%t, I%m, etc. Theres a glitch where all songs youve added disappear.
Auto-scrolling would be nice to add.
This app does what it says, if you marked it bad before you should change your rating! Thanks for the great app! I have always needed this app because I cant carry my laptop everywhere, now I can just open the app and start playing right away!!
Did everything I wanted. Word of advice, use it in landscape mode and hit print screen before you copy and paste the tab becuase otherwise its harder to view.
While this app is fairly simple, it does exactly what it says: provides a database for you to store tabs. With the addition of cut and paste, it is usable without your desktop. For me, this means it is actually useful. Some suggestions for improvements:
1. Better prediction of how to present readable tab. Currently te screen starts way zoomed out and always requires zooming in to read the tab.
2. Options for organizing the tabs in your database, such as by genre or with separate folders.
3. User interface tweaks. For example, having a "save" rather than "submit" button might be more intuitive. Also, if you "close" before you "submit" it should save the tab automatically, since you cant see the button unless you think to close the keyboard first.
Works excellent those that have a crashing problem on 3.0 its called a restart! Try it
All you have to do is use the copy and paste function. The web adress doesnt work but Id you can get the copy and paste this app is great. 4/5 because of the web adress not working.